Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The future of visualization: Vision 2020

In the rapidly changing visualization world, the future is not just about 3D, as Bill Gates would have it, but is a fully immersive and interactive world that will allow our children to unlock the oil and gas potential in the rock- and fluid-scapes beneath us.

Teams use 3D visualization images to share knowledge or complex data. Clever visualization allows us to see anomalies and attributes in both the subsurface and surface worlds, leading to reduction of uncertainty and a swifter project turn-around. Whether we’re concerned with prospect evaluation, well planning, reservoir engineering or surface facility design, bringing 3D visualization into everyday practice must be a priority.

In the near future, conventional 3D visualization will focus on higher resolution and improved image quality. Blending techniques will improve, and future digital projectors will be brighter and cheaper. Auto-stereo techniques are improving, though most of these are suitable for one viewer only, and the collaborative element is missed. Desktop technology used to drive visualization will become easier to use. Graphics cards will become faster and computer memory cheaper. Advances in video compression mean that remote working and virtual collaboration between sites working together on large integrated data sets will become more viable. But what do we need to achieve a step-change in visualization by 2020; what is revolutionary now? Will touch screens, gesture control and holograms get us there?

Click here to read the full World Oil article - January 2008.

Posted by Liz.

Accelerating Scientific Discovery Through Computation and Visualization

The rate of scientific discovery can be accelerated through computation and visualization. This acceleration results from the synergy of expertise, computing tools, and hardware for enabling high performance computation, information science, and visualization that is provided by a team of computation and visualization scientists collaborating in a peer-to. peer effort with the research scientists.

In the context of this discussion, high performance refers to capabilities beyond the current state of the art in desktop computing. To be effective in this arena, a team comprising a critical mass of talent, parallel computing techniques, visualization algorithms, advanced visualization hardware, and a recurring investment is required to stay beyond the desktop capabilities.
Click here to read this full article.

Posted by Liz.

Graphics and animation for software visualization

Computer graphics and animation are often associated with applications in diverse areas such as the entertainment industry, meteorology, and medicine. Sophisticated graphics software enables the creation of impressive feature films, as well as life-saving diagnostic tools. Both creating and maintaining this and other types of software are difficult tasks, which often push the limits of the human mind in managing detail and complexity. For example, software systems such as Windows 95, which has been estimated to contain more than ten million lines of program code, offer significant challenges because of their sheer size and complexity.

The Year 2000 problem has brought global attention to the inherent difficulties in maintaining complex software systems and the potential consequences of failing to do so. Much effort has been expended on developing tools and techniques that augment natural human abilities in dealing with software size and complexity. Many of these techniques are focused on augmenting the innate power of the human visual system in problemsolving and comprehension tasks.

Click here to read the full article.

Posted by Liz.


PNL is a project management company which specializes in the management of complex environmental and remediation projects. We work nationwide, and overseas. We have a proven track record of saving millions of dollars for Fortune-50 clients at some of the most complex, politcally sensitive projects in the country.

We are known for developing a project strategy, and then working in conjuction with the clients to turn all the planning into reality in as cost-effective manner as possible.

To learn more, contact us via our business lead, Michelle Russell, at 925-969-9583.